Saturday, March 22, 2008

Eye Surgery

This last week during my spring break I underwent a life altering procedure....puberty, you may ask? No...way past that. My wife Amberly and I had Lasik surgery. For those of you not familiar with the procedure, an eye surgeon puts these round suction deali-os on your eyes and a high tech laser cuts a flap open in your cornea( the outer surface of your pupil). They then tape down your eyelashes, put those eye opening clips on your eyes, lift up the corneal flap and shoot a different laser into your exposed eye for several more seconds. The laser actually reshapes your cornea and corrects for whatever eye abberation you may have. Fortunately, they put numbing drops into your eyes and the procedure is relatively quick, but it still rather unpleasant. The upside is that now I have 20/20 vision and can shoot concussive laser blasts out of my eyes( they said there would be some side effects.) Anywho, I highly recommend it for anyone considering it. Glassesandcontactssuck dot com! Here are some grossout pictures for you. That is all.


FPrince said...

Hurrah for technology. This is really cool. I'm glad you guys got to have this done. I hope it lasts a long time.

Laura said...

So you don't know me, really, (I am Amberly's cousin, and I'm not sure we've ever met, although I saw you two at the infamous Perry Christmas party...) but this post made me laugh out loud. You're pretty funny. I guess I just turned into a blog stalker. I'd like to see you use those concussive lasers...I wish I could get lasik, maybe someday!